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Happy Presidents’ Day!

America’s First Dog: Bo Obama The American people have been enamored with First Pets since the White House opened its doors in 1800. While past pets have included exotic choices like raccoon, tiger cubs, and parrots, dogs quickly became the most…

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cropped infographic about first pets of the white house

Happy Presidents’ Day!

Pets of the White House

“If you love me … you must love my dog.” Abigail Adams


When John and Abigail Adams became the first official residents of the White House in 1800, they brought their two mixed-breed dogs with them. Known for having some of the most creatively named animals associated with the White House, Satan and Juno were the first in a long line of canines to call the great house home. Abigail Adams once wrote, “If you love me … you must love my dog,” and she was not alone. Few presidents and their families have lived without a dog or two, even George Washington, the first president of the United States, had dogs – more than 30 of them!

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