Fire Prevention Week
Pet Safety
It’s Fire Prevention Week! Each year an estimated 40,000 to 150,000 pets lose their lives in fires, most often due to smoke inhalation. Additionally, 1,000 house fires a year are started by pets. The first step in fire prevention is pet-proofing your home. Remove electrical wires and cords from your pet’s reach, don’t leave animals unattended around open flames, and childproof your stove so pets can’t inadvertently turn it on.
Next, take action by having an emergency plan in place:
- Keep your pet’s identification tags up to date in case you are separated.
- If you suspect fire, leash your pets and place cats in carriers before evacuating your home if possible. Pets can panic at the smell of smoke or sight of fire.
- Leave an outside door open if you can’t find your pet before you evacuate and call to your pet from a safe distance.
- Download and place our free Pet Rescue Sign on your front window or door to help first responders know that there are pets in your home.
Fire departments are also acquiring the tools to help assist pets in crisis. Thanks to the national Project Breathe™ campaign, emergency crews in the United States and Canada are receiving specially designed pet oxygen masks. Supported by Invisible Fence® Brand, more than 11,500 pet oxygen masks have been donated nationally so far. In our own backyard, Invisible Fence® Brand Twin Cities has donated 55 animal oxygen masks to fire departments in Apple Valley, Baldwin, Hastings, Hudson, New Richmond, Rosemount and St. Paul with more donations planned for the future.
Learn more about pet oxygen masks by visiting Project Breathe™.