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Tail Waggers of the Month

  • Heidi

Meet Curry and Moose!

Bloomington Tail Wagger of the Month

CurryOur Bloomington Tail Wagger is mini golden retriever Curry! Just over a year old, this affectionate pooch has been joining his friends at WTPR since he was only a few months old. When he’s here for doggy daycare “Playdays,” he loves spending time with his best bud Shadow, another mini golden at The Resort.

Curry is Tyler and Jane’s first dog. They consider themselves lucky to have such a loyal hunting, fishing, swimming, hockey playing, park-loving, cuddle buddy in their lives. He adores spending time with his humans and never wants to miss out on anything, so much so that he forgets to eat and drink sometimes! Tyler and Jane have to remind him where his dishes are and keep him company during his meals.

A little shy around new people and animals, it doesn’t take Curry long to warm up and start having fun. In fact, he can’t resist the siren song of the park and pulls his people enthusiastically in his eagerness to get there! He loves playing with balls and can’t be kept from the water if he’s near a lake or pond.

What’s the best part of having Curry in their family? “When he brings us ‘presents,’ ” Tyler and Jane told us, “and whines super loud every time we come home.”

Eagan Tail Wagger of the Month

MooseIn Eagan, 7-1/2-year-old Moose takes first prize! This loveable Labrador mix has been coming to WTPR for six years where he loves to hang with the Pack.

Owners Kris and Peter tell us that Moose lives up to his name, so every day is a good funny day when he’s in it. Who couldn’t chuckle over a dog who loves to ride shotgun in the car with the seatbelt across his chest?

Moose is a very happy boy who is laid back, but always open to a little adventure. Sometimes that involves a game of fetch, a walk or swim, or pushing a door open to go off in search of (more) to eat! Other times he’s just looking for a little loving.

What’s the best part of having Moose in their lives? “Seeing the world through his nose,” Kris and Peter said.

Congratulations Curry and Moose!

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