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Tail Waggers of the Month

  • Heidi

Meet Bondi & Igor!

Having two locations means double the fun when it comes to Tail Waggers!

Eagan Tail Wagger

bondiAt our Eagan location, 2-1/2-year-old Bondi’s boundless energy keeps our staff on their toes! A Border Collie/Golden Retriever/American Fox Hound mix, Bondi has no “off switch.” She’s always eager for a game of fetch, spending time in the water, and playing with her best pals at the Resort – especially Brandon, one of our lead play coaches. She’s a smart girl who loves learning new things. Training classes might be the only thing she loves as much as fetch and playing in the water!

What’s the best part of owning Bondi? Owners Ron and Therese tell us it’s her “go with the flow” personality. “As long as she’s with you,” they say, “she doesn’t care what or where you go.”

Bloomington Tail Wagger

igorIgor is a guest at our Bloomington location. Another 2-1/2-year-old, this French Brittany comes with his own bag of tricks. A talented boy who can walk on his hind legs, he also learned how to open doors – sometimes a helpful skill to have, but usually a naughty one! He’s a friendly, affectionate, and playful pup who loves everyone he meets, canine and human. In fact, his joy is infectious because he’s excited about everything, especially parmesan cheese sprinkled on his dog food, and the blankie that he carries all over the house. If owners Kari and Greg tell him to “get your blankie!” he’ll run off to find it.

What’s the best part of Igor being part of your family? “When he falls asleep at the end of a long day and finally slows down,” his owners say with a smile.

These two pups share one unique trait, they’re both talkative! We hope they tell their human parents how much they love coming to Wagging Tails Pet Resort because we sure love having them!

Congratulations Bondi and Igor!

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