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Tail Waggers of the Month

  • Heidi

Meet Macie and Addie!

Bloomington Tail Wagger of the Month

MacieMacie has been part of the Wagging Tails pack since we opened our Bloomington location last summer. This sweet 3-year-old dachshund/terrier mix thinks she’s one of the big dogs and loves spending time chasing squirrels, playing fetch and tug-o-war, and cavorting with her friends at doggy daycare – especially Molly the Australian Shepherd and Bella the Border Collie! When she’s not busy playing, she loves relaxing in her bed by the front window to keep an eye on the neighborhood and cuddling with her owners Josh and Liz.

Macie’s happiness is infectious but she also keeps her owners on their toes, she is always trying to bring toys or socks outside!

What’s the best part of having her in the family? “Macie is always happy to see us and her new baby sister,” Josh and Liz tell us.


Eagan Tail Wagger of the Month

AddieFour-year-old Adabelle has been coming to Wagging Tails since she was 15 weeks old. A typical German shepherd, Addie is very smart and enjoys obedience training. She learns quickly and has a bell to ring to signal her needs, a list that includes going outside, fresh water, and dinner time. She even figured out how to get ice from the refrigerator ice maker!

Addie has a reputation in her neighborhood for carrying sticks while she’s on walks, in fact, her motto seems to be The Bigger the Better! Owners Bonnie and Bill tell us that Addie once found an enormous branch that was eight feet long and very heavy. After working hard to carry it almost a mile home, she attracted the attention of a bus driver who howled with laughter at the sight.

Devoted to her family and a vigilant protector, Addie keeps her family in order by herding them when they’re outdoors and keeping watch over them by night. When her work is complete, she loves to be chased, to play ball (and more ball, and then more ball), and to have her belly and neck rubbed.

What’s the best part of having Addie in their family? “She is a love. Her greeting when we come in the door is enormous,” Bonnie and Bill said. “She is so joyful. She thumps her tail against the wall, winds her way between our legs, goes to get us her toys. I feel safe and loved with Addie in the house.”

Congratulations, Macie and Addie!

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