When Your Dog HATES Nail Trims
Scratch Boards to the Rescue!
Does the idea of trimming your dog’s nails make you break out in a cold sweat? Do you loathe visits to the groomer because of how your dog carries on? If you answered yes to either of those questions, we’ve got good news for you – there’s another option. And, no, you don’t have to turn to force or medication.
If your dog hates nail trims, it’s time to try a scratch board. Think of this novel device as an emery board on a massive scale. In fact, you can make one yourself by covering a large board with sandpaper! However, the options available for purchase even come with curves, making it easier than ever to reach all of your dog’s nails in one satisfying SCRATCH!
The basic premise behind a scratch board is to encourage your dog to shorten their nails on their own. You simply hold the board at different angles and invite them to scratch it with a paw. It only takes a few treats to show them the way, and they’ll be scratching in no time – and having fun in the process! Could there be an easier way to keep your dog’s nails a healthy length?
Curious to learn more about scratch boards? See them in action for yourself in this video: