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Why Do Some Dogs Bark More Than Others?

  • Heidi

Understanding Why Can Help Solve the “Problem”

Have you ever wondered why some dogs bark more than others? And why is it that some dogs never seem to stop, while others never make a peep?

It’s easy to assume it has something to do with training – or the lack thereof. Some even insist it’s simply due to a dog being under-exercised and under-socialized.

But even dogs within the same household can have wildly different barking habits.

In reality, there’s often more than meets the ear with excessive barking. Still, no matter how much you love your dog, overzealous yapping can fray your last nerve.

We’ve talked about ways to curb excessive barking in the past. However, it can take boundless patience to see results.

If you’re still struggling to nip your dog’s barking in the bud, here are some additional factors that could be at the heart of the issue.

It’s In Their Genes

Yup. Just like you have your dad’s nose or your mom’s winning smile, your dog could have inherited a penchant for barking from their ancestors.

The frequency of dog barking varies significantly from breed to breed because it was emphasized in some more than others. You read that correctly – people wanted their dogs to bark.

Do you feel like your dog always has something to say? Check to see if they’re related to anyone on this list of the 15 Most Vocal Dog Breeds.

Making this connection can help direct your training efforts by tapping into their breed-specific instincts.

You’re Accidentally Teaching Them To Bark

If you’ve ever thought your dog barks for attention, you could be onto something.

Dogs bark to communicate, and your response can encourage them to bark more. Sometimes, it’s a badly timed treat that inadvertently trains a dog to bark.

However, it can even be paying more attention to them when they bark – even if you’re yelling at them to be quiet.

The next time your dog starts barking, watch their behavior for additional clues. Do they look to you for a reaction? You could be encouraging their vocalizations.

They’re Uncomfortable

How do you behave when you’re under the weather? How about if you’re feeling stiff or sore? Scared?

If you’ve noticed an increase in your dog’s barking lately, it’s worth looking at how they’re feeling. Dogs can bark for a variety of reasons, from itchy allergies, arthritis pain, and high blood pressure to old age.

It’s also common for dogs to bark excessively from fear, reactivity, and anxiety.

Does your dog seem to be barking more than usual lately? Watch them for signs of discomfort and talk to your vet. Treating the underlying condition could be music to your ears.

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