Happy National Dog Day
A Love Letter to Dogs

Dear Dogs:
This week is very special because August 26 is National Dog Day, a day meant just for you. Humans everywhere will be celebrating the joys that come with dog ownership while promoting the message that all dogs have a right to live happy, healthy, and safe lives.
In honor of your special day, we wanted to take a moment to tell you how much you mean to us. We know that we take you for granted sometimes. Your faithfulness and unconditional love make it easy for us to forget how lucky we are to have you in our lives. We love how overjoyed you are to see us, even if we’ve only left the room for a minute. Your desire to make us happy teaches us that we should be patient and kind with others, even when we don’t want to. Your enthusiasm over a game of fetch or time in the pool reminds us that there should always be more time for fun. And your ability to comfort us in our saddest moments makes us wonder how so much love can come in such a furry package.
To all the dogs out there great and small, young and old, mixed breed and pure bred, thank you. We love you for your wet noses, your unbridled joy when we scratch you in just the right spot, and the pleasure we get from being able to provide you with the happiest and safest lives in our power.
Wagging Tails Pet Resort